Get to Know Me!

I have been wanting to start blogging for awhile now and with the help of my wonderful fiancé I finally did it! I figured it would be fitting that my first blog post was just a little get-to-know me post so here goes nothing!

My birthday is July 10th 2000 so I am currently 18 years old. I am Bakersfield born and raised but I currently spend most of my time in Fresno where I am enrolled in Fresno State University. I am a Liberal Studies Major with a concentration in Child Development which is the degree I will get before I enter into the credential program to be a teacher. Teaching and blogging are two of my greatest passions because I love fashion and kids!

As I mentioned in the intro, I am engaged. I have been dating the love of my life for 3 years (yes we started dating when I was 15) and I will be marrying him on June 1, 2019. His name is Jonathan, he is 20 and is Majoring in Plant Science. He is my best friend and I am so blessed.

I am very excited to begin this journey of blogging and hope you all enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them. Welcome to my blog!

Jonathan Hornung